I am going to be sleep training my baby using the Ferber method and I had a few questions;
1) once baby is fed and eventually falls asleep- if they wake up soon after do I feed again or start the Ferber method again with the minute increments
2) if baby wakes up in the middle of the night do I feed or settle and let the self soothe?

Also, any other tips you could add? Is 7 months a good age to start it should we start later/earlier. Currently he wakes up multiple times a night. I already know it’ll make me sad to hear him crying 😭

  1. Genuinely, don’t try and do things books mention to you. Every baby is different. Your baby will let you know what it wants

  2. If hearing them cry makes you sad then don’t use a technique that amounts to just leaving them to cry

  3. If the Furby is bothering you, just take the batteries out. That’ll make it sleep.

  4. We don’t do controlled crying (and have had quite a few babies)

    Aim to keep in tune with your baby so you know what they want and just meet their needs … happy, comfortable, full, tired kids generally learn how to sleep well with practice and reassurance

  5. Some weird comments here. We used this method and it worked very well. My baby went from waking every 2 hours to nurse to (gradually and over a week or two) only waking once in the night to nurse. He has STTN since 10 months. I’d check the book out or ask on the sleep training sub.

  6. I have two children, both later diagnosed autistic so sleep was not that easy.

    I really wouldn’t expend a lot of thought into these methods.

    I always found that nature is a much better sleep trainer than any book.

    You have a baby, you know you are going to take some shit at night for a while. Really not convinced there is any cheating it. But they all manage it eventually and, I personally think, around the same time or at least, at *their* time

  7. This is awful and ao cruel, cuddle your crying baby, they only stop crying with this method as they learn noones coming/noone cares, God knows what long term emotional damage you are doing, if you can’t even comfort a crying baby why did you have one, absolutely shocking and borderline child abuse

  8. Honestly? Just suck it up. Just think of it this way…

    When cavemen we’re knocking about, and a caveman baby was left crying in a cave, do you think caveman mom picked up their caveman baby to comfort them? Or do you think that caveman baby was left crying on its own to attract dinosaurs and wolves n shit? Then get eaten?

    It’s completely normal. It’s difficult, yes! But it’s normal. We’re going through the same thing at the moment with our 8mo but knowing our baby gets so much comfort from us is better than any sleep we could ever have.

  9. Do not sleep train your baby.

    Your baby is not waking up through the night to manipulate you or because they are naughty, they are waking up because that’s natural. They want something: changing, feeding, comfort. Babies don’t sleep for long periods at a time and that is actually preventative against SIDS.

    All sleep training is going to do is teach your baby that there is no point in crying because no one will come to help them. They don’t learn to self-soothe, they learn they don’t matter.

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