Is this normal? Obviously I don’t know what I look like, I can’t see in the third person or anything like that, so I can’t attest to how accurate they are. But I hear this a lot, at raves (my only real way of socialising, I have nothing else involving other people) occasionally people ask if I’m alright, or if I’ve taken anything, or stuff like that.

I tell them that I’m fine, and if need be that I’m completely sober, but they don’t always seem to understand and repeat the question sometimes. I’ve also had dates tell me I look really freaked out, when I felt perfectly normal, so… Is this a commonplace occurrence?

  1. Well when you’re in an envrionment that encourages druggie culture (i.e. a rave), it’s not all that surprising that at the slightest hint of relaxation that people would assume you’re high. And some might even be high themselves. Do you get this question a lot in regular environments as well?

  2. You sleep enough? Also maybe you look messy for one reason or another… Your clothes, your hair?

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