Do they just not care? (This is not a joke or me being offensive. Just a lot of my friends all complain that the guys they sleep with have no idea where it is / how to stimulate it).

  1. as far as i can tell, that’s just a weird “haha” joke against men in the same line of jokes on women

  2. I don’t know any men that don’t know where the clit is. It’s just a trope. I’m sure some do not, but I don’t know any.

  3. Its pretty obvious. Also well documented.
    And these days with the internet…..

    But it never hurts to get directions on what you like.

  4. You should post this on AskWomen and get responses from women who have had sex with most men.

  5. Science has yet to discover the human “clitoris”. This allusive pody part is observed and reported as offten as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, but there is little evidence that it exists outside of the claims made by those that have “found” it.

    The world my never understand such phenom, yet, history will remember it as a legendary discovery in the unlikely chance man kind truly finds such a body part.

  6. Seems unlikely. It’s not hard to find.

    Uninterested and/or misinformed about how important it is I have any easier time believing.

  7. I’m not sure if they’re bullshitting, but no one I’ve ever had this conversation with admits to not knowing where the clitoris.

    The only man I know for sure that does, is myself.

  8. Trick question. Every woman is different.
    So, naturally, the clit is always in a different spot.

  9. I call the little bastard Jason Stathom. I know exactly where he is but when things get wet and I am distracted, he is an elusive fucker!

  10. I can’t imagine that that’s true. It’s really obvious. It’s not the G-spot or something. You can literally fucking see it and it’s pretty good a drawing attention. If I didn’t know what it was I’d be like “Hey! Wtf is this?”

  11. Never had trouble finding it. And the few men who have this skill are usually in high demand… Usually is the clit who can find them over and over again lol

  12. There are litteral diagrams and infographics on the internet that everyone should have thought to have looked up to help deal with this very issue

  13. Just out of curiosity OP. Your friends complain yea? and do they say no orgasm at all yea, faked it for the little guy xD or did not have a clitoral orgasm?

  14. I’m a woman. Not sure if I’m qualified to answer. I really only had one relationship that I would consider satisfactory in that department. I’m very communicative about what I like and what I want, but the other men I’ve been with seem totally convinced that whatever they’ve seen in porn is totally effective and that they know my body more than I do. I’ve also met multiple men that view blow jobs as a standard part of sex, but don’t eat pussy. At this point, I’m in a very committed relationship with my vibrator.

  15. Because the men who are having the most sexual partners are the worst at pleasing them.

    Your dating pool is made up of the fraction of men who want sex enough to deal with the bullshit that makes it up, who have the mental fortitude to ignore all the rejection and who can quickly display themselves as a sexual option while also being shitty enough that nobody has them locked down in a long term relationship.

    These people only care about their own pleasure. It’s not that they don’t know, it’s that they don’t *care*.

    You want good sex? Find somebody who cares about you as a person first, and then fuck them. They’re easy to find, you’ve normally left them in the friend zone.

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