This is basically what happened. My boss texted asking if I wanted to take an extended shift.

The place I work at sometimes isn’t great with shift times and either keeps people too late or lets them go early and since I get bad anxiety at work it takes a toll on me. I WOULD like more hours, but im constantly overthinking my body and mental sensations and dont wanna push it too far.

But basically I just reiterated “Its just this time right, I can go before closing?” and he didn’t message back at first. I started getting panic and then followed up with “sure I can take this.”

Obv if its the time he gave me then it would be before closing, but I needed him to know that I wasn’t planning on staying any more. But there were so many other ways I could’ve replied that seemed to make more logical sense rather than “I know the time you said I can leave is before closing, but I’m still gonna ask if its the same time and then ask if I can leave before closing, then im gonna toss al tha aside and take the shift anyways…”

But now I feel like an idiot. On one hand I wanted to make sure I was getting off at the time he told me I’d get off at so reiterating seems fine in that sense, but at the same time he did tell me the time and me repeating it back to him makes me seem like an idiot. And then me panicking and caving with “sure I can do blank” makes me feel like it makes my first statement redundant and useless.


1 comment
  1. Nah, you’re fine. You’re helping yourself and others by calling out this issue every time.

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