I’m a 32M and have had this issue for well over 10 years but it’s getting slightly worse and definitely not improving.

I love sex, my girlfriend does to. We’ve been together for a long long time (about 15yrs) and sex has always been amazing. That being said, when the evening comes and we have time for some fun, I don’t feel like it. I often feel too tired, almost too lazy, to do anything. I find my girlfriend very attractive, even after so many years. And we’ve had discussions about opening our relationship to some extent which I am fine with but I don’t particularly want to see other women, fearing the same thing will happen. It’s obviously been causing some friction in my relationship and I’d like some tips to get past that, if anyone else has ever been through something similar.

A few details: I’ve seen a psychologist (Depression) and spoke to her about it a little. I started seeing a sexologist but only had 2 appts so far. No other known health issue and had my blood tested a few times for this reason over the years. I’m open to questions if it will help.

Thanks in advance.

  1. If you are not going to a gym and working out you need to start. Also get checked to see if you have low testosterone. Finally if erectile issues or fear of erectile issues plays any roll in this at all you need to get that checked. If you have chronic fatigue you should also get your thyroid function checked and talk to your doctor about that. Too tired to screw is either related to attraction or health. If I was dying on my death bed I’d still love it if my wife could give me a little something on the way out.

  2. Gym it up my friend. Cardio is your friend to start the day, get your blood pumping and heart rate up. Preferably first thing in the morning, before coffee. An after work session is doubley good and will put your ass in hi gear till bedtime.

    45 min bike ride, run, basketball session, whatever.

    Oh, and hydrate.

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