After being single for about a year I(29m) had unprotected sex with another man in early December. A couple weeks ago I noticed some really tiny red bumps under the head of my penis. I’ve got a physical with a general practice physician since I’m due for one and want to ask about it. But I think I’ll get a std panel done as well to be safe. But it looks like it’s 150 bucks for a 10 test panel. Is this a normal cost? Should I be approaching this from a different angle?

  1. You can go to the health department and get the panel done at low/no cost. Ad you can go to Planned Parenthood, which will also typically have more affordable options.

  2. Have you asked your primary care physician? Often times they can code the lab wok so it’s little or nothing for you to pay. It’s a little awkward to bring up but once you do it’ll be good. Doctors appreciate people being proactive about health so I’ve found they are cool with you asking for STI panels.

    If that fails, there are often places that will give you a panel for free or cheap. Planned Parenthood, etc.

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