Every time I do anal I run straight to the bathroom and…. Empty myself.

When guys enter into the second dark cave do you guys feel any of it’s residences in there?
Does it turn you off?
Does it turn you on?

  1. Learn your body and your bowel movements lol. You start to learn when is a good time to have anal. If it concerns you, douche beforehand.

  2. First of all, any time people engage in anal play, they have to be prepared for the possibility of fecal matter. It would be incredibly naïve to expect otherwise.

    Of course, there are ways to minimize the probability but it’s still a probability, same way that having sex on birth control shouldn’t result in pregnancy, but it can, however unlikely.

    anyways, the main things that people can do is number one, don’t engage in anal play around the same time that you would normally have a BM. Number two, use basic soap and water on the outside and you can use a finger and some soap to swab on the inside.

    For many people, that’s fairly sufficient. However, if you want to go one step further, you can use something like a bulb enema that you can purchase at any drugstore and use that to clean out your rectum in the shower or over a toilet. Some people use larger enemas – hanging bag type – but I generally think that’s unnecessary unless you want to clean everything out up towards your intestines. Either way, keep in mind that if you spray water far enough back there, it can get stuck in the crevices of your body and come out by surprise, later. Just make sure that in releasing the water you’re being patient to make sure that it all comes out in the shower or above the toilet.

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