I have weird bouts of anger and I’m not sure if I was in the wrong.

I get really annoying at the entitlement of men to exist over me in public spaces. I had nowhere to move, and I was trying to enter an eating area and he was trying to exist.

He got annoyed and was like “Coming out!” And I was like “Coming in!”

What the fuck gives you the entitlement to this space? You have legs, loser.

Another time my shoes broke and some girl got mad I was in her way and pushed me, so I screamed, called her a bitch, and threw my broken shoe at her.

  1. A standard rule for exiting/entering spaces is that those who exit have priority. Obviously there are exceptions, depending on the situation. Also, don’t know if you stepped aside to fix the shoe or were you doing it in the middle of a walkway. In any case, they were being rude first, neither yelling or pushing is good manners by any means. But yes, you are also being rude in response.

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