I am a SWF and hooked up with an Indian guy and was taken by surprise by seemingly cultural differences. Indian guys, help me out!

1) he seemed obsessed with my arm pits. Stroking them, licking them, burying his face in them

2) he loved my feet but kept saying “I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t, I can’t help but touch them”

3) he gave me several litttle bites. Not on my nipples as expected but other random tender spots. Sharp tiny bites.

Do you guys think this was personal kinks or cultural norms that I just wasn’t aware of bc I’ve never experienced an Indian man?

  1. I think you may have just accidentally kinkshamed an entire country lol. One for the resume! /s

  2. The armpit stuff was more common in the west. I recall finding an old copy of The Joy of Sex from the 70s and it was all over there. The feet stuff just sound like a he has a feet kink.

  3. I’m an Indian and these are not cultural norms AT ALL. The guy probably took inspiration from sone weird porn movies

  4. It seems more like personal kinks to me, especially with being with a SWF. I’m not Indian, but my parents are Pakistani. Though I wasn’t born and raised there, I’ve travelled to that part of the world and been with women there, and have male friends there. Nothing of this sort is common.

  5. To each their own. You have stumbled upon a guy with some weird kinks. This is more personal than cultural.

  6. These are all obviously personal kinks/preferences…can’t tell if you are naive or a troll.

  7. I am an Indian and can confidently say none of this is remotely cultural. It’s very much personal to the guy you hooked up with.

  8. Based on your provided sample size of 1 Indian person, I would say that it was just him and not all Indians.

  9. I’m a non Indian married to an Indian man. These are probably personal preferences.
    My husband has a belly button fetish, where he cums in my belly button and licks it all out.

  10. One experience with one Indian and you think that’s exactly how 1.4 billion behave? Lol.

  11. I’m from like, the whitest part of the UK imaginable and these are all things I enjoy with my partner with the only difference being that I don’t apologise for loving her feet.

    Is he the only Indian guy you’ve ever been with? Because you may want to take a look at why the first place your mind went was to assume it’d be a cultural thing. The title of the post is pretty naive at best too.

    That said though, did he smell like pakoras and call you auntie?

  12. Well, I’m from India. 20F. One of my partner was also into all this, surprisingly when I asked him why, he said his exs (a Korean and a polish) were into this and he learnt them to satisfy them. So it’s more of personal fetishes than the entire country imo

  13. It’s not Indian thing. Dude just got some fetches 😂😂😂 hope he got the job done though

  14. I’ve been with an Indian guy, and he wasn’t interested in any of those things either, so I would say that you just found 1 guy who happened to be Indian who enjoyed those things it had nothing to do with his culture

  15. i dont think thats an indian thing.

    cuz i know alot of indian guys and they aint into armpits.

  16. Why do you generalize indians based on just one singular indian guy. Do you do this to your other costumers who behave weirdly or do you just have stupid fucking stereotypes about indians to now generalize an entire ethnic group.

    This was just stupid of you.

  17. I cringe at extreme over generalizations like this. You realize India is essentially the most populated country in the world right? There’s a billion Indians JUST in India. That means that’s over four times the population of the United States in India which itself has Indians in it. If you know a few Indian people outside of India you have enough information to form an opinion of 0% of Indians.

    You hooked up with one weirdo. That has nothing to do with being Indian… just a weirdo.

  18. I feel like this has absolutely nothing to do with his race or religion or culture. Kinda sad you assumed it was tbh..

  19. Lol if a Caucasian dude did the same kinks it would be his kinks. But if some non white dude does it he’s responsible for the whole race. Ridiculous.

  20. It’s so hard to wrap my mind around how you managed to think this wasn’t just personal kinks but an entire demographic of people, which happens to be huge.

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