First of all, am I correct in understanding that refractory period (for a man) is the time between when a man can have an orgasm again? And if I am right, is it true that men in their 50s may have a refractory period of as long as 24 hours? I am asking because my SO can orgasm two (and on rarer occasions 3 days in a row) but for the most part it’s once every other day. He has told me that when he was young he didn’t masturbate that much and he said he thinks people who masturbate more sort of trains themselves to be able to cum more. But with him not masturbating he is more sensitive to partnered sex. That’s just his conjecture and he understands that. I know he does not masturbate and has not masturbated since we’ve gotten married 4 years ago. He says it’s because he wants to save it for me, which is really sweet and I’ve never asked him to do that. When we have sex he can orgasm quite easily via piv, but generally it’s every other day. I’m curious what all you gentlemen, especially in your 50s, think of all this? I’m really just curious about refractory period in men this age.

  1. There are guys in their 20’s that have 24 hour refractory periods, and there are guys in their 50s that go 3-4 times a day.

  2. A 48 hour refractory period is *unusual*. My guess is that it’s not that he’s not physically able to get aroused again for sex, it’s that he’s not particularly *interested* in sex unless there’s at least two days between.

    That’s more of a sex drive issue than anything to do with the refractory period IMO.

  3. So the real bummer here is the lack of sex ed in our schools. Anyway, the refractory period is the time between ejaculation and the ability to obtain another erection

  4. 31m here. I also rarely masturbate as I prefer partnered activities and would be immensely bummed if I had already let one fly and then wife be in the mood. I have felt my recovery time slow down. Usually every other day is best for me. When I do two or three days in a row I prefer a few day break.

  5. Im in my 50s.

    Refractory period means length of time needed to get another erection after you have orgasmed. I still have almost no refractory period , can just stay hard and keep going.

    My second orgasm is a bit difficult to achieve quicklybut it is possible. If I wait a few hours it gets easier.

    However what I have noticed that if I wait 48 hours I will still produce a good amount of cum, but if I have sex every day the amount of cum I produce is reduced to about 65% of full size. It’s also a little bit easier for me to cum if I wait 48 hours before sex, and If I masturbate I can still cum quickly though.

    My wife try to have sex every 2-3 days and we usually mutually masturbate together once a week just to get an easy orgasm in.

    Your husband sounds fine !

  6. Early 40’s here. I need to wait a few hours before I can go again. But I rarely masturbate more than once a day. It gets less intense each time. So I usually go once every 2-3 days. That’s enough for me.

    I do prefer sex with my wife though so part of it is saving for that.

  7. It depends on the man, age, his genes, his fitness level, hormone level, chemical balance and food 🥑 quality.

    Some men need hours some men need days other need minutes, very few have no refractory period.

    Based on a study I read 10% of men fall under the short refractory, even lower for no refractory period. After 40 the precentage decreases even more.

    How does it feel for no refractory period, after you orgasm the erection is still there and you can continue.

  8. My bf is 56 and his refractory period is 4. He’s very sexual though. He masturbates 2 to 3 times every day. We are in a long distance relationship. It all depends on the man

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