Hello, im F17 and im currently having a crush on one of the girls in my class. Shes slightly taller than me but she looks so serious and stern most of the time which makes me nervous to approach her, her bestfriend who’s with her most of the time seems to be really sassy and judgemental and has issues with my friend too.

Now i wasn’t really into her tbh since the start cuz i don’t find myself being comfortable with her. That eventually changed when i got grouped with her in our project.

It was a math/art project, so it requires painting and things, i was in charge of painting the background and. I don’t study art but just a hobby of mine.

I painted all night and continued in the morning in my classmate’s house, by that time i still wasn’t finished with the artwork so we brought it to school where i continued my work.

She comes in with her friend and starts watching me paint silently from behind, i heard them talking about details and such, so since we needed to finish the work in just a few hours, i asked them if one of them knows how to paint.

She of course, agreed to this and we started painting side by side. I developed an attraction to her probably because she was also an artist as well.
She was quiet but always ask me for advice and all on what to paint, i find this very cute of her so it was one of my happiest moments lmao.

I dunno if im just assuming this orr, i think shes also interested? I sometimes caught her following my gaze or looking to where im looking at. Just 2 days ago while i was walking in our school grounds, i glanced over the benches and saw her looking at me, im not really sure if i am but i quickly avoided her stare, feeling panic and butterflies in my stomach lol.

I find her cute everytime i see her and i always look for her everytime i go to school.

Currently we have an event at school where theres alot of booths and stalls, im thinking of giving her a gift as an early valentines gift but im scared shitless and really nervous to do it. What are yall thoughts?

Im not so confident about this since we’re both girls and I don’t even know if shes into girls or not but this is also an opportunity to gift her something this week. Should i go get her or nah? Part of me is nervous about being caught because shes part of the student council and no boys seems to approach her because of her personality i think. I don’t really know her that much but i had a major crush and her when i felt her admiration to my work. I dunno, her admiring my work makes me really proud and all lol.

  1. You might wanna tease out if she is not-straight before getting too attached, otherwise she may just want a friend

  2. Hi, I think it’s better if you just ask her something like, “hey, I liked to work with you at that project and, maybe will sound weird, but, I have a crush on you” or you can invite her somewhere, like a coffee and told her what you feel. It’s better to know what she think about you than to spend months maybe asking yourself how was if you asked her.

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