Quick and different take here, but something I have found from my life is that my social skills drastically improve every time I take a radical decision in my life. This happens for two main reasons:

1)Radical Choices many times are associated with a big change of environment. As antisocial as you might be, a change of environment literally forces you to get out there and interact with new individuals. You are thrown into a new social sphere where you have no prior social backing, and this is almost like an experiment which enables you to put everything you thought you knew about interacting with people to practice

2)Radical Change Builds Interesting Stories. Nothing brings people closer together than a story, and when you throw yourself into new experiences, especially ones that are so different that your brain considers them irrational. This makes you more interesting as a person, which in turn makes people gravitate towards you, building you up as a social individual.


Overall, if you are unsatisfied with your ability to interact with people, or your life in general, taking a decision to jump into a new situation, so different its irrational to do so, can truly change your life for the better. It definitely has for me.

If you’re interested, check out the video below for a better explanation of this concept:


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