For my whole life I feel like everyone around me has had more success with relationships than me. I know this kind of post is cliche but I don’t understand it.

I feel like women just want to look the other way when I talk to them and even if they initially are interested it fades quickly. I have had trouble holding eye contact with people in the past and still do struggle with it. I’m anxious but can be confident at times.

I no longer think it has much to do with how I look but really how I act. I just want to be a part of the circle both literally and figuratively.

What can I do to turn myself around? It feels like I’m spiralling down a hole of antisocial tendencies.

Any reply is appreciated cheers

  1. From your post, it seems like you should work on your confidence and work on yourself before trying to date

  2. Having trouble holding eye contact is an issue, it makes you appear anxious (which you say you are) & lacking confidence/social skills which is a turn off for women. I suffer from anxiety myself to this day & had the same issue regarding eye contact but that is no longer a problem.

    First of all you need to address this issue as you’ll get nowhere with girls until you do. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just begin to slowly tackle it whether that is therapy or other means. Once you’ve addressed this & you’re no longer letting your anxiety get the better of you, you will notice a big improvement around people (especially girls). You can do this, good luck. 👍🏻

  3. You’re just a man. That’s how it is for most of us.

    So stop thinking about single women as different than anyone else you talk to.

    Listen to what they say, respond if you have something to ask or add to the conversation.

    I think most men’s problem is that they treat women they are attracted to as these special, amazing, perfect beings.

    Try as hard as you can to treat her like anyone else and really listen to the content of her conversation.

    Women want to be treated the same as anyone else, it comes off creepy if we give them special attention.

  4. It can be difficult, but you need to let go of any limiting beliefs that you have surrounding yourself, the way you look, how you act etc. as it will most definitely have an impact on how you come across to women.

    Practice being able to hold eye contact, even if it’s just first with friends, as being able to hold eye contact depicts confidence and this is an attractive trait for women.

  5. Have a look at some of Dr K’s videos on self-esteem, isolation and confidence. He’s a psychiatrist who realised many young people in particular are isolated when he was on Reddit discussing his gaming addiction – you don’t have to be a gamer, it’s simply that he realised people need help understanding themselves.

  6. Welcome to the club, where you only become visible when someone needs something, where your are so invisible that even ghosts feel sorry for you, where your are so see-through that the monster under your bed walked out on you.

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