Hello everyone, I am 20 and I am from Romania, I currently go to college and I would like to know how I can do proper networking.

Aside from the other students from my college I would like to create connections with people who own a business or someone along those lines.

I would like to make friends with them, as I myself would like to create my own business and knowing someone who already does and has experience with it might motivate me and make me become better.

So I was thinking about emailing some companies and start to make friends with them.

I don’t know if I am asking for too much but I really would love to do it.

Thank you in advance for the advices!

1 comment
  1. Best way is to ask them what they do, people love talking about themself and their accomplishments so that’s definitely the best way to find the people you are looking for. Then you just comment on what they say and add your side to it.

    For example:

    Person: I own a retail store at [address] etc etc

    You: Wow that’s really impressive, I’d love to one day open a retail store up as well. Do you have any advice?

    Just make sure you aren’t asking for handouts, that won’t give you any good first impressions.

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