Would you rather have a super intelligent and average looking woman?or an average intelligent and super hot looking woman? Why?

  1. depends on whatever the hell “super intelligence” means. the only thing that comes to mind is some autistic 15-year-old who has no social abilities whatsoever but is in his 3rd year of college taking honors physics

  2. Super intelligent does not equal charismatic, and average intelligent does not equal stupid or not interesting. It boils down to personality and chemistry.

  3. This to me, was clearly a woman trying to find out something specific. Do men actually want an intelligent woman, or are big boobs and ass always going to take the like light. Stop making this complicated.

    “Women are so difficult “

    Answer the question.

  4. I’m not fucking the brain, I’m going to be fucking the body

    All I need is a mature loving woman who actually lives me

  5. I’m not running a research lab nor a beauty pageant.

    Socially intelligent and above average looking would do, thank you very much

  6. Average intelligence. Who thinks a super intelligent woman is a plus? I thought I was wrong in most arguments, now I’m gonna be wrong before the fight even starts.

  7. Honestly, I don’t care how intelligent or hot a woman is. What I want is a woman who ‘clicks’ with me, you know? In my experience, looks are just a first impression. And what do I want with someone extremely intelligent who maybe lacks charisma?

    When I get to know a woman – like to really know her – to the point I’m really good friends with her, or even fall in love with her, she becomes more and more beautiful each day for me. No matter how hot or intelligent she may be by medial or society standarts or whatever.

  8. Probably the average intelligence but not for the reason you are thinking. I saw something that said it’s really hard to form meaningful relationships with someone more than 2 standard deviations away from you in intelligence, and I think there is a lot of truth to that. You are just on two totally different wavelengths. Smart is awesome, but so smart we can’t relate to each other is not awesome. So I guess it depends how super “super” is.

    What I’m really getting at is “chemistry”, but I’d probably have higher odds of having chemistry with someone closer to my own intelligence than a super genius.

  9. The latter, smart ppl don’t have smart things to say outside of their expertise so 95% of conversations would be no different than with someone of average intelligence.

  10. Average looking. Average intelligent.

    It’s growing together that’s more important than anything else.

    Any fool can fall in love , or face a crisis situation. It’s the everyday living that kills you.

  11. To actually answer your question, I’d rather have a woman that is super hot, for obvious reasons.

  12. For a long term relationship? Inteligence or body doesn’t matter if there is no personality, so neither. Now, if you add personality to the mix and I can choose which part would be above average, it would be – average body, average inteligence and an amazing personality that is compatible with mine.

  13. I think if she is a genius I probably am not much of an interesting person to talk to- I’m somewhat intelligent but far from an Einstein -, so I’ll be better off with the average smart woman.

  14. This question, because we’re all just shallow AH’s and these are the only two things we look for. So tired of this crap.

  15. If equal on everything else, the 2nd one. Odds are our kids get to have an easier life and my partner will be less depressed knowing too much crap.

  16. Don’t care which. Is she loyal, honest, and respectful? I’d prefer a partner that doesn’t spend time on social media or texting with other men.

  17. Depends on the kind of intelligence. Super academically intelligent woman? I mean that’s cool and all but it doesn’t really add (or take away) from a relationship. Emotionally intelligent? This does help. That said, being sweet, loving and loyal is more important in a partner.

    On the other hand, being physically attractive tends to be a one-dimensional positive: Everyone enjoys having an attractive partner.

  18. Super intelligent. I ain’t got the energy to maintain a hot woman and all that entails, including the constant unwanted attention from other men.

    I just want a woman to be “cute.” That’s so much better than “hot” when it comes to an actual relationship. Cute implies something unique about the person. Hot is just… raw sex appeal.

  19. Super intelligent, i suppose that comes with a minimal bit of sense, a little rationality and a lot of logical and reasonable thinking. Cause i’ve never seen all of this in a woman, like with unicorns.

  20. Yeah, in the long run, the one that I get along with better that is funny and super chill.

    Those are both acceptable in the range of what I would want to date.

    So I would need information that has not been provided, which one is less of an asshole? I’ll take that one please.

  21. Depends on what I need her for. Am I looking for a Wife to start a business with? Someone who I can count on and who is extremely intelligent. Or am I looking for just a regular good-looking wife to who I am attracted?

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