Met someone on a non-dating app. Connected and now she wants to visit over the summer. I said ok. We saw each other’s pics. I can tell she’s fairly tall whereas I’m not at 5’7”. Do I bother bringing it up indirectly or not? I assume there’s interest bc she initiated. Perhaps it’s an extended visit as a platonic friend or a chance for more. What am I saying? The problem is that I’m catching the feels and stuff that shouldn’t matter is messing with my head. Advice?

  1. Stop overthinking and letting your height insecurities get the best of you. She obviously likes you as she wants to see you. A lot of girls in real life don’t care THAT much about height, as much as the internet tells you otherwise. 5’7 isn’t even that short (to me it isn’t short at all.) You’ll be fine. Don’t let your own insecurities ruin potentially special things.

  2. I’m 5’7″ and I’ve dated women who are taller than me. There’s no law of nature that prevents it.

  3. Don’t bring it up. Doesn’t really help. What do you gain from doing that? It makes you look insecure. Talk about good subjects.

  4. All these people saying to stop overthinking are silly, that’s not going to solve anything. Have an honest to god conversation with her about how you feel. That’s how simple it is

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