I met a girl at a party a few years ago and we really seemed to hit it off. We spoke all night and there was a definite spark. Unfortunately we didn’t exchange numbers and I haven’t seen her since. I recently came across her profile on Facebook and I’m not sure about adding her. What do ladies here think, would it be weird or should I go for it?

  1. haha i’d say it’d be a bit weird BUT you should definitely go for it. life is short, who cares? yolo. you’d definitely make my day with this.
    (but be polite tho, you may never know if she found herself a husband since then or whatever)

  2. Eh, just go for it. What do you have to lose anyway? Bets case scenario – she’ll enthusiastically agree to a date. Worst case scenario – she’ll reject you (big deal). I’d say cost/benefit ratio is definitely worth it.

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