I feel like I’m the only one who notices this thing where Id be with a friend but the moment they spot their best friend or a closer friend compared to me they leave me for them in an instant, and it kind of hurts. I get people have this group of closer friends out of all the friends they have, but I feel so lonely and kinda bad about myself when they leave me for some else. It’s like they don’t even want to be near me in the first place. But, I’m not the most social person so that could be a reason why.

  1. I don’t think this has ever happened to me but I remember a couple times I was worried about it. These days I tend to meet with friends one-on-one and it sidesteps this problem as a side effect.

  2. If you haven’t yet and are open to the idea, you could offer your friends’ friend to socialize with you as well

  3. Most people are going to have other friends (some even closer than you). What you should try to work on is stability and being content enough with yourself to realize that you’re not losing your friend or that you’re worse but that it’s just a reality of knowing other people.

    Work on telling yourself that you are more than good enough and that you won’t always be the main focus. Also, maybe try to socialize with their friend too?

  4. I used to feel the same way like two years ago, I still struggle with it sometimes but then I check myself as soon as I realize that I’m being negative about it. See the thing is, some people can’t help but feel this way and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you have to feel bad about yourself. But it’s not a healthy way of thinking. you get very few constant people in your life outside your family and that’s just how it is. try accepting that, it certainly helped me become more okay with the fact that as I went from one life stage to another, I lost some friends but I also gained some friends. Ik how it can hurt when your friend gives someone else more importance than you but that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t value you too! If they’re deliberately ignoring you, that’s another issue but you need to learn to be okay with the fact that your friends have other friends just as you do.

    Go on solo dates with yourself to work on it better. That’s what I did anyway. Hope it helps 🙂

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