So I started seeing this guy and the first time he bit me was during sex. At first it was on the mouth and neck when we were kissing. I told him to stop and that I didn’t like it and it hurts. During the act, I had asked him to bite my nipples and shortly after he decided to chomp down on my boob. Not like a little nibble, but full on, clenched jaw, break the skin kind of bite. I tried pushing his head away from me and told him to stop because it was hurting me. Eventually he let go, but then proceeded to bite me just as hard several more times, on my breasts and collarbone. When he finished, I noticed you could visibly see teeth marks where he bit me and broke the skin in several places. He then told me that I was a heifer and he marks all of his women like cattle.

The next day I woke up to severe bruising on both my breasts, collarbone, and his handprint on my left arm. When I confronted him about it, he said that I’m anemic and I bruise easily. And that I asked him to bite me and even had the audacity to tell me that I liked it. I told him I asked him to bite me on the nipple (lightly like a normal person) and that none of the bruises from where he bit me were even on my nipples…just all over my breasts. He said all he heard was bite me and he got caught up in the heat of the moment. And kept insisting that I enjoyed it. Basically turning the assault around and blaming it on me.

I didn’t see him or speak to him for a few weeks. I couldn’t wear a bra for like a month because my boobs were so swollen, bruised, and sore. For some dumb reason, I started talking to him again and seeing him. He had promised me he would never do that to me again, but like they always do, he lied.

We were sitting on the couch watching a movie and talking and I was texting back a friend of mine. I always make a habit of staying in contact with someone when I am with him because I honestly don’t trust this guy. It was a guy friend of my that I was texting and he knew that I have been friends with him since middle school. Anyways, all the sudden he just clamps down and bites me on my right shoulder. I yelled at him to stop because it fucking hurt and he let go. He still broke the skin, biting me through my sweater. I got up off the couch and was like wtf is wrong with you and he basically said I was over-reacting and kept telling me to shut up and sit back down. “Sometimes he can’t control himself and just bites people”. And he’s “been doing it since he was a kid”.

I started grabbing my things to get out of there and he suddenly starts crying. He had me for about 2 seconds, until I realized he’s just being manipulative and was most likely faking it. It lasted for maybe a minute or two and that was it. He said he was sorry and I left.

When I got home he sent me an article about why people bite their nails, basically comparing it to that. Also said it’s because of his ADHD and OCD. That’s why he bites when he’s bored or upset and that he can’t control the impulse to do it. I told him biting a person is not the same as biting your nails. Not even close. And that he’s an adult, not a toddler. By the time I got home, my shoulder was already purple.

He seems to think I should just keep forgiving him because “he apologized and he literally can’t help that he does it”.
And now he claims he’s also autistic and that’s why he bites people…not because he’s a sociopath or anything like that.

Am I wrong to think this is abuse, because he doesn’t seem to think so, since “it’s not like he’s hitting me”. Never mind the fact that he will literally raise his hand to my face like he’s going to hit me, but he is “just joking” when he does that…

TLDR, the guy I’ve been seeing bites me, to the point where I’m bruised every time I see him. Am I crazy for thinking this is assault/abuse and that I should just end things? Or am I just overreacting like he claims?

  1. like holy fuck lets say that this dude is right (he isnt) and he literally cant stop hurting you….isnt that almost worse? no matter what he will just have an impulse to hurt you. Why the fuck is this even a post?

  2. Yeah, this is NOT ok. You’ve TOLD him you don’t like it, and he persists. It’s not that he “can’t help it,” he just doesn’t care. Also, the apologies are worthless, because he doesn’t stop doing it. I learned the hard way that an apology WITHOUT changed behavior is completely meaningless. The biting, the manipulation, it’s all abuse and you should get the fuck out.

  3. Whether he seriously can’t help it or not, if this is something that hurts you and you don’t enjoy (who would?) you do not have to be subjected to it. Even IF it wasn’t his fault.

    But let’s be real. He can control it. He’s just an abusive man child whom I don’t understand why you ever kept seeing.

  4. He literally told you “I do it because I mark all my women”

    He’s not doing it because he can’t control himself, he’s doing it as a form of possession

  5. HELL NO YOU’RE NOT WRONG. I (26F) dated a guy in highschool that would do the same exact shit. I would literally use all my strength to keep him from biting my inner thighs. His bites would leave teeth shaped bruises for WEEKS. I still get super nervous when my current partner goes anywhere near my inner thighs.

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