I’m a college sophomore and my friend (who I always sit with) switched majors. I don’t really know anyone else but they’ve all found their friends at this point. It’s even harder because there are almost no other girls in the class, and they’re usually surrounded by guy friends anyways. Not saying I don’t want guy friends of course, it’s just extra intimidating for me.

Sitting alone is seriously affecting my mental health but I’m terrified of sitting with a random group and making everyone uncomfortable. Any advice?

  1. to become friends with a group start befriending only one of them to start and slowly work your way into the group from there. Once your in, start thinking about what you can offer the group. Maybe you are really informative on a subject that they’d be interested in or you’re supportive, etc.

  2. Just start next semester. Take charge the first day when you have the best opportunity and just sit next to someone. Go early so you have some time to introduce yourself. I guarantee there will be at least an Asian girl sitting in the front by herself since they’re usually introverted. Obviously you don’t have to go for them, I’m just saying that this option will always be open. Also, don’t you have elective courses that are not part of your major with more girls in them? Your friend who switched majors wasn’t in every single class with you anyway. So you only need someone for 1-2 classes instead of all 3-4?

  3. I’ve had a few classes like this in college as well & can relate to being a female in a male-dominated major. How I handled it at first was just by being confident in being a lone wolf bc confidence will attract others; fake it till you make it if you have to!
    Next, I sat near someone I had a mutual connection with. Even if I’d never personally spoken to that person before whether they be a friend of a friend or maybe just someone I just recognized from around campus who puts off good energy. Even if that person already has their own friends in class, you don’t have to infiltrate their friend group right away, just become a friendly, familiar face.
    You can initiate a conversation by sharing class notes or if you have another mutual connection, working it into a conversation before/after class like, “hey! you know blah blah blah, right?” & you can even be cheeky & say something like “so I don’t really know anyone else in class, would you be able to help me study for XYZ?”
    Honestly, smiling and being a friendly face goes a long way in building relationships from scratch. It shows you’re bringing something to the table and you’ll find your people, don’t worry!

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