how to tell girls that get too close and rubby in a subway or a bus to back off in a polite way?

  1. Maybe try walking or getting a bike instead of going on a probably packed public transportation and confusing being bumped against as “getting rub on”

  2. What is your issue with this girls? Ugly? Oldie? This sounds like something that doesn’t happen. Guys getting rubby? Yes. Girls getting rubby? Nope.

  3. if there’s plenty of space and a girl “accidentally” rubs up against you on more than one occasion, they are probably attracted to you and waiting for you to strike up a conversation

  4. Not sure if bragging, or wants to feel like he has a problem.

    If somebody does that you move away and/or glare. Every man knows this; there’s no need to make this into a modern world issue.

  5. Lots of the comments are saying you’re over reacting or you shouldn’t have a problem with it. I don’t like it either when people get too close and sometimes I feel disregarded when someone puts their hand inches from my face or I keep wondering if a person gets close intentionally. It’s super uncomfortable especially when there’s no easy “escape”.

    If there’s space, maybe make a little show of pushing past the person to the free space? You can show your discomfort (or say something as others mentioned).

  6. “Restrain those grabby talons to your own private parts, you half plucked seagull” might just achieve the result you are aiming for. You never know untill you try. Or you might just try “excuse me”

  7. Used to ride the El daily in my 20s in Chicago. I’ve had my junk groped a lot, usually by much older women, and tons of hard pressed booties. I considered it part of the fun of commuting, offset the bad parts like screaming nutjobs, stank ass homeless, muggers, and the general masses.

  8. I mean this happens to me way to much. I mean sure I have and admittedly nice “rear” but im also just shocked at the openness displayed by girls like this. If I, a guy did this I would have been called a perverted freak and been kicked In the balls by most. Now the problem I have is the lack of gender equality when it comes to this. I don’t even mind it when people feel me up. It’s the fact that if I felt one of them up I would have been in deep shit, personally I believe you should always ask consent guy or girl. TLDR “feeling me up is fine, the double standards aren’t.”

  9. Don’t be polite. I know you want to be but to be honest if your getting touched and don’t want to be don’t be polite about it. Just be like hey don’t touch me.

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