Men who have had a major falling out with a sibling, what was it about and what happened?

  1. My brother was a freeloader who basically worked my mother to death paying his bills and raising his kids because he refused to do anything except party.

    He didn’t get a job or take any responsibility until well into his 30s when she died and the gravy train stopped.

    We dont speak anymore.

  2. Got hooked on OxyContin then went to heroin, stole every penny from my grandparents while one of them battled Parkinson’s. Went to prison for it got out didn’t come around, grandfather passed and then she came back around like a vulture sucked even more money out of my grandmother to the point she couldn’t even afford food for her self and I almost shot her in the face. Literally. Pretty much sums it up for the most part.

  3. No falling outs here. My dad doesn’t talk to his brother because his brother always wants to rub his success in my dads face….? LoL buuut my dad makes more money? IDK my dad says he’s an ass every time I mention it to mess with him 😂

  4. Got called up to come help because she was having a depressive episode get there to weed out of those involved she was coming down off a bender

    After listening to her shit on everyone trying to help her because they are here now but not when she wanted

    I blew up on her saying we do not exist to fix her life and we all have our own problems and to critise people for not saving her from her own choices was pathetic

    She slapped me I slapped her made her go to bed stayed up all night next day flew the kids to grandparents.

    Found out she later tried to claim to my siblings I hit her for no reason been minimal contact ever since

  5. About 11 years ago, my sister was caught up with a bad group of friends and kept making very stupid decisions. I was trying to convince her to break away from them for a while, but she just kept doing dumb shit. One day, it *seemed* like it finally clicked and she promised she was done with them. I decided to trust her on that. One day, I overheard her talking with the worst one of them all on the phone, and they made plans that night to get high and go for a drive.

    Later, I asked her if she wanted to do something that night. She said, “No, I think I just want to spend tonight by myself so I can just have time to think.” I asked what she was gonna go do, and she said, “go for a drive.” I asked her if she was going to be alone, and she said yes. Obviously, I knew this was a lie since I overheard her earlier conversation.

    I just kind of had enough at that point and pretty much cut her off for about 3 years. She eventually turned her life around and we’re cool again.

  6. I’ll call him Paul, he is my cousin who I considered a older brother, taught me how to fight, hung out, played together, etc.
    Paul had a brother, also someone I considered a brother and he died.
    Paul was always an alcoholic but it got worse.
    Last year around February 2022, he was drunk driving with his parents (my aunt and uncle) and was involved in an accident that unfortunately took the life of my uncle. My aunt, was in the hospital, complete fracture of the leg with the bone piercing out the skin, was in shock because of tremendous blood loss (Hospital is in Mexico, poor healthcare).
    Post accident like April 2022: found out he was still drinking, kicked my aunt out her house and is now essentially destroying himself.
    I haven’t been to Mexico since April.

  7. He insulted my life’s work and family sided with him which resulted in a year of continuous mockery, animostiy and defamation. Even though it later turned out to be quite helpful to a lot of people so now I simply live my life without those people in it who have no respect for my efforts and achievements.

    I guess it’s not really a major falling out for me, but looking in from outside I guess that qualifies as such. You don’t cut off a majority of your family everyday.

  8. Took care of my brother who was disabled. 12 hour care every day for 6 years. Got screwed out of 4.5 years of my life and $376,000

  9. I can’t say I’ve had a falling out
    But I can say I’ve realized the differences
    In true family …

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