Usually when I’m walking through the town centre, there would be a guy with a microphone rambling on about God and heaven and hell and how you’re going to hell for not believing in Jesus. You also gotta walk in a wide circle around them otherwise one of them will single you out to try and give you a flyer or on one occasion try to be converted to their religion.

  1. Used to get loads of crazy preachers in South Wales when I was growing up in the late 70s/80s. Unpleasant people

  2. It’s annoying, not gonna lie. Personally I just walk past them and ignore. Preachers are very aware that they won’t convert 99% of the people that pass them, you don’t have to take anything they hold out at you

  3. I hate having to sit through 40 mins sermons.

    Preaching should last 20 mins MAX!

    There’s a bloody reason why TED talks are generally all sub-20 mins

  4. What disapoints me mosr was when i was in notts and they had small kids handing out flyers. And i couldnt see an obvious parent watching them

  5. It may just be adding fuel to the fire but I wear headphones a lot when walking and am always tempted to say “sorry, I’m gay” (or some other ‘blasphemy’) when they approach me. Then just walk off so I can’t hear their tirade.

  6. There was a guy in Wolverhampton who used to preach outside of McDonald’s. His name was Ezra and he must have been there most days for over ten years.

    He was loud but otherwise harmless.

  7. I saw a guy preaching Islam at Manchester city centre (Market Street, right outside Arndale), when the Christmas markets was in place in December. He used a loudspeaker to play Quran recitals with translation in English after each verse. 😈

  8. I got earfuls from Mr “Don’t be a Sinner, be a Winner!” on the District Line in the early 2000s before TfL got an injunction against him and his megaphone and he shifted to just outside Oxford Circus.

    There’s usually one or two outside Brixton – a couple times they’ve got into arguments about who’s god everything is the fault of, and once I saw a Christian one and a Muslim one get into a fight (with a crowd egging them on, obviously)

  9. I was walking past one once and he started saying something about how I should convert to Christianity or something or start believing in Jesus – something like that. Not really thinking I said “thanks love I already do, I’m Catholic” and he looked at me in pure disgust and went “you don’t look it!”. The bloody cheek. I was wearing a long dress – long sleeves, neck covered and everything – so I was wondering what part of my outfit made me look so un-christian. In the end I gathered it was probably that my dress was form-fitting and I have an adult woman’s body. Sorry I forgot to put on my nun’s habit that day…

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