Hi, I’m a gay man (50) and been living a satisfying gay life for all my life, sexually fully versatile (top and bottom). I noticed in the last 2-3 years a developing urge to have intercourse with a woman, even though I have never had sex with a woman. I wouldn’t even know how to start. How would you approach this and are there women at all willing to guide a gay man into sex? (This is a serious question)

  1. It highly depends on the woman and their disposition. There are women that will be disgusted, there are women that are indifferent towards it, and there are women that are turned on by it. But the biggest thing in regards to any of this is honesty from the word go. If date a woman for a long time or even engage in a marital relationship with them without telling them or lying it will act as a poison on any form of intimacy due to the fear of being found out, and when they do find out that you used to be gay there is a high likelihood that they will be enraged and disgusted, not because of your past sexuality but because of the deception and will kill any trust built up and destroy the relationship. You have to tell them from the beginning that you used to have sex with guys if and when the topic of sexuality comes up. The worst she can do is reject the advance, best case scenario she is actually surprised by your honesty, and can actually reinforce the emotional connection that makes sex pleasurable. The only way to find out if the woman is interested is to engage in conversation. And don’t lose hope.

  2. As a lesbian I fully understand the sudden urge to have sex with a woman😩

    I’d ask a friend if they’re up for it but I know that not everyone has friendships like that, so in that case I’d try dating apps. Just be upfront about what you’re looking for, it’s fine to not have a lot of experience but the best way around that is communication. You’re not the first person with this issue and you won’t be the last, someone will for sure be glad to help you out. Best of luck 🙂

  3. I had a best friend all through school who was very openly gay, he mentioned to me once that he had wondered what it would be like to be with a woman. So I offered myself as a test subject 😂 we had sex once, he said it was nice but not his thing and has been with guys ever since I think sometimes you just get curious

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