I (22F) was raised in a home with all boys and I was homeschooled. To this day, I almost feel autistic around younger women under the age of 45. I can talk to older ladies easier because I got so much experience with my mom and grandparents and their friends, but I struggle with younger women…even those around my age. It’s almost like I can’t understand the nonverbal cues.

For example, I can interview for jobs with men no problem, it almost always goes well when I have to interview with a man. Maybe I’m more straight to the point, I can’t tell. When it’s with women, I almost never get pushed forward even though the conversation seemed to go well on my end.

I don’t particularly think of myself as someone who speaks masculine, but I can talk to guys really easily. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of close female friends for this reason. Does anyone else have this experience? I am curious if this is widely experienced or all in my head.

1 comment
  1. I had to join a predominately female profession to learn how to talk to other women. I grew up with 2 brothers, an absent mom (so no female guidance), mostly guy friends, and then married a male and had 3 boys. I still prefer male company to women but all of my friends are female. And I present feminine. Go figure.

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