Just watching some youtuber and he mentioned receiving postcards, and i realised at the grand old age of 41 I have never sent or received one in my life.

Does anyone who isnt 90 even use them any more?

  1. About 10 years ago someone at work sent one back to work from their holiday. Can’t think of any other time.

  2. I try and buy at least one postcard of every place I visit,

    I don’t sent or receive postcards as the stamp cost more than the postcard

  3. I absolutely love getting postcards. My parents go on holiday a lot now they’re retired and they always send me a postcard. I’ve kept every single one, with some dating back about 10-15 years.

    I absolutely treasure them, and when they’re no longer around to write them anymore I will have something that will be a piece of who they were in a way a photo just doesn’t do justice

  4. I usually get a postcard for my best friend when we’re somewhere special. Sometimes I even remember to write and send them!

  5. 2008

    I used to send my Grandma one every single time I travelled, even if it was just a day trip for work. She always told me when she received them, and she always seemed amused. After her death in 2008, my parents found a bookshelf full of flip photo albums where she’d kept them all.

  6. I send our nephew a postcard whenever we go away. His parents can’t see beyond the ends of their noses and have never taken him more than probably 100 miles from home his entire life (he’s 11). I want him to know there’s a world beyond this county that it’s permissible to visit, so he gets postcards from all over.

  7. I actually got one a couple of days ago- a friend of mine decided to use up some of their stationery stash!

    I both send and receive them- I do also send and enjoy getting real letters, they feel so much more personal than email. I find people seem to enjoy getting a bit of real post even if they don’t send any!

    I also buy postcards which go into my journal- for instance if I see an exhibition (where you can’t always take photos).

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