What are small things you do to make your marriage stronger?

  1. A good advice I’ve gotten from multiple people who were in a successful marriage (and still are, 30 years 40years+):

    Pay attention. Sometimes an offhand comment can have meaning. Listen to the things your partner says.As an example: Offhand comments about a nice mug, go buy it. Or that X should be done etc. etc.

    I’ve seen my dad do something like that a few times, offhand mentions of a dish my mum didn’t have in a long time, so he looked up how to make it and made it for her on a weekend.

    *”Communication is a key to a good marriage, that includes the little things too.”*

    (I’d say the same about any relationship, friendship, dating, family. But the question was focused on marriage).


    edit: I remembered another advise early during the pandemic time:
    I know a few dudes who really let themself go during the pandemic time since they didn’t see a lot of people. Whelp, only half of them still have their partners now. Just because there is only “the partner” near, doesn’t mean you don’t want to impress. Even more, they are **the main** person to impress!

  2. A lot of it is just paying attention to how they feel on a regular basis. If you notice they’re tired from work, offer to cook or wash dishes or any additional chores that your partner normally does. Massages or foot rubs are also nice. Small cute gifts can be nice too. It doesn’t have to be a big thing but maybe just some chocolates or flowers for no reason, just because.

    If they like anything specifically but maybe you’re not as keen on it, do it with them once in a while. If they like dancing but they know you hate it, it’ll mean that much more if you just do it on the rare occasion.

  3. My partner doesn’t like the cold. Every night when we go to bed, if I get in first, I go on her side to warm it up. Then when she gets in I move over.

  4. Put my wife’s bath and hair towels in the bathroom for her every night before she has her shower. It’s a small thing, but she appreciates it.

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