Link to the original post (sorry Im new to reddit I don’t know how to make the blue text to click) :

Hello everyone, I tought I could give an update as some people asked for it, so when I made the first post we were speaking for 3 days, and people gave me lots of advices to follow in case she would have been trying to scam me, some people told me it would go no where as most of girls there just want money, but I had a feeling it was more than that, so I kept talking to her everyday, we played together basically everyday for hours after we both finished working, and I followed the rule to not give her more money, like zero euro at all.
And so we kept having our little gaming evening and chatting everyday for almost three weeks now, and four days ago, we were having a really good session, and I made a joke saying “we are ready to go to lan” (for those unaware, it’s like IRL events mostly competitive stuff) and she said it would be great but we needed to meet IRL first, thinking she was joking I told her “yeah whenever you are free” and she answer Wednesday. I was a bit surprised and she repeated if Wednesday would be good. I answered yes, then asked who would make the travel, and she said she was already booking her train tickets ( I live in France, she’s from Netherlands)

So Wednesday came and I was REALLY stressed, It was my first date ever, and I’m a really shy person so I was having billions of question in my head, will she come ? Will she find me boring ? What should I talk about ? How should a date go ? She arrived at 12 and for the first hour I took her to some cool spot in Paris, the first hour was quite awkward as I was not talking so much and probably livid like a corpse. We stopped at a small restaurant/snackbar as we were both hungry, and I start getting more confident and I started talking more, making some jokes, and after that we went to iconic Paris places as she never came to the city, and had a really cool day after that (at least from my extremely limited perspective it went well). After making it home she told me she wanted to come again for more time, and she told me she would come for the whole week-end this time. So we will meet tomorrow again. And yeah this time I think I can say for sure that I’m in love with her considering how fast my heart was beating when I was waiting for her.

I need to say that I didn’t paid for the train tickets (neither Wednesday or for this WE), and she wanted to pay for the food (I just bought her a souvenir she seemed interested in)

My question are, how do I know if she have interested in me, like in a romantic way and not a friend way ? When should I try confess to her, I know three weeks is probably too early but when do you think it’s a good amount of time to confess ? Regarding her job, I truly don’t care at all, I know it’s only a job, but if it happens that we go out together, should I still have a discussion with her about it ? And my last question, can I let my guard down or is it still possible she is trying to fool me ?

TL:DR : I kept talking to a camgirl I met and had a good feeling with, we played video games and talked every day for almost 3 weeks, and she came to see me IRL travelling 600 Kms and will come again this WE, seeking advices about what to do next.

Thanks to everyone who will take time to read me and help me !

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