Whether it be personal, career, etc

  1. Going back to school and changing my career in my 30s.

    And being a momma 💕 I love the person my kids have made me.

  2. My mother fell ill to dementia and I had to drop out of college to be her caretaker for 11 years.

  3. Going back to college to get my Bachelor’s when I was 25. Before that decision, I never would’ve dreamed I’d be living where I am now. And comfortably at that. Totally worth all the sleepness nights. 10/10 but would never do again lol

  4. I switched from soft drinks to carbonated water. I lost 10 pounds and it stayed lost.

    That was the only thing I changed.

  5. Not a man but changing my perspective and attitude yielded the biggest results for me ⭐️

  6. Quitting (reducing) gaming

    I was a lifelong dedicated gamer, and the amount of extra time I had after quitting was crazy and lead to so many more experiences and opportunities

  7. Stop trying to make my wife (at the time happy). Nothing would. Turns out not having to be a full time mom or my wife and $2k a month made her very happy

  8. Not eating like shit. No fast food or sugar drinks. Reasonable volumes of food and a green with every meal. I lost 60lbs, can wear coats I bought in high school and feel better than I have in decades.

  9. Learning to express simple emotions. I didn’t realize how many opportunities I was overlooking to just connect with people over the fact that we all have emotional responses to things. In a way, until I saw my own emotional expression as an opportunity to connect with others I hadn’t really taken the humanity of everyone around me very seriously.

  10. Quiting drinking! It is the foundation of a much better life all around that I’m leading right now.

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