Cus here in French Canada I have seen many French tourists do this and it’s super cringe. 😂😅
They take them picture like « omg it’s the Netflix buss!!! I feel like I’m in an American movie! ».
Please tell me not only French ppl do this, cus I feel like I’m living in a national geographic documentary.

  1. I’ve never seen it, but we do get people on this sub who ask if they are real.

    Also, red solo cups.

  2. I had a friend from high school whose mom was a school bus driver. She was driving kids on a field trip one day, and she was just chilling in the bus eating her lunch by herself when there was a knock on the door. It was a family visiting from Germany who were SO excited to see a real yellow school bus. She offered to take pictures of them in front of and in the bus. So somewhere this family likely has pictures of them posing with her bus on their wall lol. I thought that was a cute story.

  3. I’ve never seen it in the wild but I’ve heard people say that they witnessed such things.

  4. I will never understand this. I’ve seen the English red double decker buses in movies, but I never thought to question if they actually exist or not.

  5. My wife’s BIL is from Manchester. When he first moved here he went through a small tornado on his first night. Then the next morning, he saw a yellow school bus. He thought the school bus sighting was more amazing.

  6. I’ve seen it on social media, but not in real life.

    It’s so confusing when people say they thought they were just in movies and TV shows. Like why would all sorts of different productions for decades and decades all use the same exact kind of bus – often very prominently as well, think of the Magic School Bus or Regina George getting hit by a bus in Mean Girls – if it didn’t exist at all in real life?

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