Think super flat chest, butt, no waist, large putter labia. Some verified veins.

I feel far from ideal but don’t want my insecurities to hold me back

  1. Try to concentrate on the positives.

    There are always features people respond positively to.

  2. Look, no body is ideal. For every hot girl out there, there is someone that finds her unattractive. It takes time to get used to being in your own skin. But don’t compare your self to others. There are sub reddits for everybody style. So you may be ideal for somebody.

  3. 1. Hey. Come on. You already look good just the way you are. I’m sure it will work out!

    2. Don’t fret. Keep calm and carry on.

  4. No matter how you look, there will always be someone out there who has something negative to say. It’s hard, but the journey to loving yourself is so worth it. Having features that aren’t “the standard” doesn’t automatically mean that you’re unattractive. I truly believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, and “unique” features just make you even more beautiful. Try to focus less on how others will see you and more on simply accepting your body (at least being neutral about how you look). From there, you can reach towards positivity. Something that really helped me was getting off of social media. Instagram, tiktok, basically any app in which you constantly have to see photoshopped images of other people. It did wonders for my own self esteem

  5. I saw a tip for this earlier that said try to be naked more often. It will help you become more comfortable and confident in your body walking around and seeing yourself. Hope this helps.

  6. Something that helped me was just going to a family beach situation (you know, by a lake where lots of people hang out, regardless of age, some families, some people on dates, some friend groups) and just… Looking at people (not creepily, just, you know, looking. And you’ll see lots of people who have bodies kind of like yours or bodies you yourself don’t find very attractive and just in general all kinds of bodies. And you know what they’ll be doing? They’ll be playing with their kids or having a drink with their friends or making out or whatever the fuck. They’ll just be living their lives.

    I can’t even explain it super well in retrospect but that did a lot for me. I guess it helped me see that a body is mostly just a vehicle to experience life in.

  7. I found going to nudist beaches and events really good to get comfortable in my own skin, super anxious at first then so liberating

  8. Not saying you do, but if you do, stop watching porn as much if not completely. Just in general, limit your consumption of media that promotes only certain “ideal” bodies as what’s beautiful. Like what someone else said, try to just look at the people around you, even if it’s just at the mall or a park or at work. You’ll encounter so many different shapes and sizes and realize that there is no one way or standard that one should look. People are always talking about how desensitized we are as a society, usually about current events and politics etc., but we are also very desensitized to ourselves as people. Perhaps you can try to “re-sensitize” yourself to reality and what’s truly normal and perfectly average in the world, not the curated version that media tries to impose on you. It’s not always about having to change how you look or hitting the gym. Sometimes it’s a change in perspective.

  9. Can I have your number, you sound perfect for me…. so, be yourself and be natural. Take a look at other people In non porn situations. For the labia thing, maybe take a look at 100 vaginas by Laura Dodsworth. This will at the least show you that there’s pretty much no such thing as abnormal.

  10. Try some simple core exercises (it doesn’t take too long) and leg lifts w/ little to no weighs, targeting different muscle areas, necessary for movement, especially the hips (it really makes a difference) 🦸🦹‍♀️🦸‍♀️

  11. It truly is just a decision. But it helps to look at sites glorifying what you are. Reddit is a great place for this.

  12. Sleep naked, feel up your whole body and be neutral or positive about what you feel. Oh, a squishy bit of fat? So cute and fun to squish, doesn’t matter if it’s on my butt, boobs, or tummy, it is soft and nice 🙂

    Also if you use Instagram follow people with similar body types to you that love their body and do fun things with it, like going to the beach in a bikini and they don’t try to hide nor exaggerate their figures. Unfollow pages that you do not like, and avoid “fashion” pages that are actually just body checks (the ones that try on different outfits but also make it painfully obvious that they’re getting attention for their body, not the clothes).

    Watch porn of people with your body type. I didn’t realize how much this would turn me on, but seeing women with squishy tummies and thick thighs being fucked by hot men was such a game changer. Porn is not just about seeing sexual contexts, it helps to visualize yourself in one of the roles sometimes, and that’s easier if a player looks more like you.

    Edit: these are what I look for based on my body type, please change it up to match what you want to see and accept in yourself.

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