to vegas with a girl whos single and another who just became single

  1. Man I accidentally 3rd wheel a girls trip of my cousin GF to Miami once and man I was shocked to see what they were up to. People will say the obvious “trust her” are bs/naive. All I’ll say is keep options open

  2. Sounds like you have trust issues.

    Her friends are single, she isn’t. You can’t expect her to stop hanging with her friends because they’re single. That makes no sense.

  3. Three women, alone, in Vegas? That’s just asking for something to go wrong even if you trust all three of them.

  4. She’s an adult and I don’t tell her what to do… she can do what she wants and make her own decisions, and most importantly, she can deal with the consequences of them.

  5. Vegas and single friends and alcohol involved which impairs judgment? What could go wrong? I’m just gonna say it wouldn’t make me feel easy. But she can do what she wants and if something happens well bye.

  6. If your wife is friend with single ladies who are partaking in single activities like drinking, hooking up with random guys, having train run on her what makes you think she won’t be doing the same. I often see comments on how you need to trust her or you come off as insecure. Its a load of bs. She wants to go, it’s all fine with me but she ain’t coming back to the house. I’d send her belonging to her parents and she can stay there.

  7. Damn. You guys be tripping. We did a 5 day girls trip to Vegas and all we did was watch shows and gamble.if you’re stressing, you need to reevaluate the health of your relationship. It’s not like they’re going to Fire Island or something

  8. Question is how would your gf react if you were going to Vegas without her with 2 of your newly single friends?

    I’m sure you know the answer w/o asking her-

    Now what if she invited you to join them- I’m sure you’d go 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️especially if all 3 ladies were hot

  9. It depends on your guys relationship. Is she someone you trust to go on the trip or has she been shady in the past or given you reasons to feel uneasy about her going?

  10. She’s the sum of her friends. She’ll act single during and if you’re smart, she’ll be single at the end of it

  11. I mean, I can go by myself wherever i want for a month or two at a time. And she knows very well that I can get laid pretty much anywhere. And yet I don’t. I take my trips, have fun and stay faithful. Works the same way for her.

  12. Your girlfriend is going to Vegas, a sexually charged environment where other men are trying to fuck and there will be alcohol involved. Of course you should have an issue. Your girlfriend could be the most loyal girl in the world but the idea of other men trying to make a move on her when you’re so far away would make any man annoyed or anxious. It’s funny how women come into this sub and start answering questions without looking at it from the male perspective. Then start spewing classic shaming tactics, “you’re so insecure” or “you have trust issues”. Op, set some boundaries and if she doesn’t want to respect them, then do what you think is best.

  13. Sounds like you should learn to trust your girlfriend. If she’s blatantly cheating on you, that’s when to worry. Let her have fun, don’t be a wet blanket.

  14. This isn’t just about whether or not you trust her; it’s also an issue of safety. If you are really worried, have her let you know where she will be staying and who she’ll be with so you can easily check up on her.

  15. I wouldn’t be the least bit bothered by it if I didn’t trust her completely I wouldn’t be with her

  16. Funny…im in this exact same situation. My wife is actually going on a girl’s trip to Vagas for a weekend with a girl who is single and a girl who’s relationship is on the rocks. The only thing I keep worrying about is her being ok. There are a lot of characters in Vagas and I don’t want anybody hurting her. As far as loyalty goes. I’m not worried about that at all. I’ve always trusted her. And I will continue to trust her until I see a reason not to. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going out and having fun. Just relax and just have a little faith in her. Let her enjoy it and don’t be an asshole by ruining it for her. Because chances are, if you start making this a big deal, she’ll probably rethink being with you. Why would anybody want to be with somebody that doesn’t allow them to have a good time with their friends? You just gotta trust her man.

  17. I wouldn’t be very concerned, but for similar reasons I can’t see her ever going on a stereotypical singles Vegas trip.

    She doesn’t like the city much, she doesn’t like clubbing, and she hates attention from random dudes.

    About the only way she’d be likely to want to do that is if it’s for a bunch of concerts/shows or if they’re driving out to Zion or the Grand Canyon.

  18. Guys in this thread are acting like there aren’t constantly men trying to get in their girl’s pants. Doesn’t matter if she’s in Vegas or the grocery store, scummy dudes are gonna hit on your partner. If you have a good relationship, then you should be able to trust her. If you are saying “anyone in that kind of environment would be tempted”, then you are the one who shouldn’t be trusted.

  19. Id be very skeptical and uncomfortable …

    Young people go to Vegas to drink and casually hook up.

    If your gf and single friend are going there to “cheer up” newly single friend. What do you think they’re gonna be doing?

    It’s definitely NOT just playing slots and having a couple of nice meals lol

  20. She will have a choice. Go on a trip to vegas with her friends and not have a boyfriend anymore or she can not go to vegas and have a boyfriend.

    I leave that decision in her capable hands.

  21. This comment section is sad, so many people not trusting their partners. You do realise your partner can cheat you anywhere anytime outside of vegas too if they are one to cheat, location doesn’t matter. Trip with friends doesn’t turn person a cheater who already isn’t one. You probably are the types of guys who go hit on taken girls, just sad.

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