Basically, we’ve been together 7 months. We met on an app at the start of summer and clicked, stayed together until i moved to college in august. Since then, we’ve been doing long distance. The entirety of our relationship, he has made me feel like I’m not doing good enough. He’s always finding things I’m doing wrong, ways im wronging him, and reasons to start an argument. When i confront him about how he makes me feel, he’ll either argue with me about my feelings or love bomb me. He’s admitted himself that he has narcissistic tendencies. With all of this on top of school and work, I really am starting to lose my feelings of love for him. I just simply don’t have/want to put the energy into keeping up our relationship when he doesn’t really make me happy anymore.
I should also mention he recently got into a fight with me over my decision to stay going to my college that is 3 hours away because I see myself succeeding here and I made the decision by myself. This resulted in us being on the phone all night arguing, even though I had an exam at 8 in the morning and I kept reminding him I needed to study and get proper sleep. Our relationship started off great but after month 2 it started towards where it is now. We can barely talk to each other and someone is always mad. I don’t see myself marrying him anymore.
I just need advice, if this is something worth holding onto? Or do I just need to cut my loses and focus on myself and school?

tl;dr: my bf is narcissistic and unsupportive of me and I’m starting to lose feelings

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