For example, i find this guy attractive. But i don’t feel a strong emotion for him. I don’t want him too bad. But the idea of him is enticing to me. Yet, when he asked me out i rejected him. Because i feel like i don’t like him enough. Idk if books and stuff have made me have unrealistic expectations or if this is normal.

Now i’m kinda sad that i rejected him and i don’t know if i did the right thing. I like him but i feel like the fact that i’m not absolutely sure i wanna date him, makes dating him a mistake. Am i wrong? Is this why i’ve only been in one relationship at 22? I feel so lost and i don’t know what i want or what a relationship is supposed to be or even how i should know who i should date. This is so frustrating to me. Am i doing this wrong? Should i really wait to meet someone i’m sure i wanna date?

  1. You sound like a walking contradiction. Please do not date until you are ready to date. You don’t sound like you’re mentally ready to date at all yet. Give it time.

  2. You sound like an avoidant (look into attachment styles).

    A common excuse of avoidants is “i’m not 100% into them so i will not try”, this way they can avoid intimacy and turn down anyone no matter how great they are.

  3. sounds like you need ritalin and re-education on what human decency is in regards to how you should perceive and value them

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