Last October I ended up a one year relationship I’ve been into. It was a really though decision, but seemed the right thing to do at the time. I felt like I no longer liked the person I was with in a romantic way and found myself having no interest for physical relations and things like such. Therefore, I really cared for this person and always admired her loyalty and how we got along great when we were together.

A little time after this breakup, I found someone else that I really clicked with and we entered a relationship that is yet to be “official”. In the beginning I thought that I was falling for this girl and I’m sure that she already did for me and want to make things more serious. Problem is, from one week ago, I’ve been thinking a lot about my old relationship and missing that person a lot.

After the breakup I had a fight with my ex and we ended up in bad terms, being mutually block in all social by each other. I’ve been wondering a lot about how she feels about me and what I should do about this whole situation, knowing for sure that I’m not ready to commit again.

My biggest fear is that I’m creating this whole situation in my head because I’m not satisfied with the relationship that I’m currently into and not because I miss the last one, as I was really sure that I wanted to break up back then.

Please advise.

TLDR; broke up last relationship, jumped right into another and now I’m wondering if I did the right thing

  1. >My biggest fear is that I’m creating this whole situation in my head because I’m not satisfied with the relationship that I’m currently into and not because I miss the last one, as I was really sure that I wanted to break up back then.

    Bingo. You really don’t want your ex, it sounds like you want some feeling of security or loyalty you had from her. Leave her alone and figure out what is happening now.

  2. Relationships can be tricky—sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re making the right decision. Before fully committing to your current relationship, it might be a good idea to take some time to reflect and honestly assess your feelings for both people. It sounds like communication with your ex is no longer an option, so try to look into yourself and figure out what you truly want. Good luck!

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