I want to maintain a deep connection to my wife and I think you want that too.

In order to do so, and being motivated by all of you good folks going the extra mile for your beloved partner, I took the initative to establish recurring themed date nights at our house to get us into doing something different than just minding our own business or communicate to manage our everyday life issues. Also this cuts down on the babysitter.

So far we passed date number two and its been a blast.

In short:
*Dinner Date*
After putting the kids to bed we dressed up, as we would for a nice occasion and I prepared some nachos and made a cheese sauce and we had an awesome evening in our candlelit kitchen just talking and reconnecting.

Last night date number two happened
We made some chocolate with fancy/unusual spices as ingredients.
Afterwards we made a fire in the fireplace, lit some candles and hung some fairy lights in our living room. Afterwards we had a playful chocolate blind tasting after which the wrong guesser or the beat challenger took of a piece of clothing so we could cuddle up by the fireplace on some blankets afterwards.

We are both enjoying this a lot and it helped us so far to keep a focus on each other when choosing a theme and discussing what we could do.

Also a nice invitation card stating the date and reminding us to both spend some thoughts on preparation has helped us a lot in our hectic lives and build up a good level of anticipation.

What are your favourite date night ideas? What do you do to maintain a close connection to your significant other?

  1. What a wonderful idea. I will be following this closely! I’ve been happily married (mostly) since 1997, but date nights would definitely be helpful!

  2. We like bored games and you can get “escape room” style games that contain logic puzzles you have to work together to solve. Also, at home wine tasting was good. Got a load of mini bottles and made tasting notes, ranked them, then ranked them again “blind” (took it in turns to pour shot glasses for the other person so they didn’t know which wine they were drinking). It’s amazing how different the ranking was when you can’t see the label! Homemade pizza is also a fun one to do together.

  3. I love this! My husband and I watch a new movie at least once a month-we’re both into films so we’ll peruse the new releases on AppleTV or HBO and choose something that looks intriguing to both of us. We notice such different things and it’s always fun to talk about our thoughts. We’ll also play a game together like Fall Guys or a silly co-op.

    We also occasionally do sushi take out for a special dinner date (usually anniversary or my husband’s birthday).

    We don’t have a sitter and bedtime has been hit or miss so we don’t always hit a date night a week (kids are little little 1 and 4), but it would be fun to try and add some new things to try and do after the kids go to bed.

  4. Married 51 years and we keep our intimacy and romance alive by also having a weekly date night, we have about 5 different restaurant’s we rotate going to, we also go on a Sunday afternoon drive for a couple hours where we talk about all kinds of things, once a month we take off in the middle of the week and spend 3 nights in a hotel at different towns along the coastline here in Calif., we do yoga everyday together, and I buy her flowers. PS I do 50% of all the house work, this REALLY makes her love me..

  5. I liked your themed ideas.

    As for our date nights, I plan everything, as husband has no clue (or so he says) how to go about planning literally anything.

    Last night was our Valentine’s Day Date night, since he’s working all day and the night on Tuesday.

    I made reservations at a Japanese steakhouse we’d never tried before. The food and the wait for it was meh, but dessert was really good, and we got a huge discount from our waiter for the terrible wait, so we only paid 40 bucks!

    Then we went and saw Magic Mike’s Last Dance, which I loved and even my husband said he enjoyed. 🙂

    I try and schedule a date night every month to month and a half because I need alone time with my manz!

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