I(16) live a stupid and sad life and I’m an attention whore. That’s it. 80% of the time i try to have conversations, whether irl or online, i fuck it up and start talking about my problems.

I don’t have any friends and i try to vent to random people i have conversations with or to my online friends.

How do I stop this? I’m genuinely not happy and want someone to help me but i know they can’t so i vent because I’m feeling sad and i want to cry but i can’t even cry because I’m emotionally numb.

I just want to stop bothering people with my problems.

  1. Hi, venting is a good thing to do if you have permission to. If you ever need to vent, you can come to me and ill listen. No need to ask or feel bad

  2. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Easier said than done, people have been telling me the same since I was your age and I’m almost 28! But seriously – feel your emotions and know they are valid and normal. If you want to cry just let it out and sit with those feelings, they will pass a lot sooner than if you were to numb yourself out. Being a teenage is HARD. Be kind to yourself and know that you are going to be ok! You are worth peoples time and have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed for. You are not a burden to anyone, IRL or online, I promise. It’s actually great that you’re at least talking to others about your troubles. That is a great start and over time you will develop closer bonds with some of these strangers you connect with. This might sound corny (whatever lol) but, in therapy a few years back, I dealt with a lot of the same shame and guilt you are feeling…I felt like I was a burden just for wanting someone to hear me. So I started just telling myself “I forgive myself” after every single interaction I thought was weird/awkward/needy/etc. Next time you run into this anxiety I would strongly encourage you to try it. And keep doing it! It helps! You got this.

  3. Friendship has its limits when it comes to that. All relationships have to be give-and-take. So, maybe seek therapy and join spaces that are specifically for emotional support? There are apps (be careful, people prey on vulnerable folks there too so block them). There’s also this platform called 7cups which is specifically for listening. I hope you find one that works for you.

  4. I think you need a healthy out let. You desperately want to share your problems but even after sharing them you don’t feel light/come to sort resolution so you continue to do it again and again with anyone you meet. I went through something similar. I started discussing my problem rather frequently for my liking. I started journaling since then. It helped me a lot. And I hate it that it works cuz it is such cliche advice. But journaling always feels like I am talking to somebody. It quenches the desire of sharing and if you go back to it analyze your previous entries you get better perspective on situation. You also pick certain friend and discuss with only them but be sure they are good listener and have no problem with you trauma dumping.

  5. I relate to you so much!

    I met a friend with Adhd who to be honest didn’t give me time to talk about my problems.

    However, I may have needed a relatable person like you

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