M26. Been in a relationship for nearly 7 years. Somewhat on and off and had our struggles from time to time. About a year ago her family moved to a new state 2,000 miles away and i decided to go with. We decided to finally end our relationship though for various reasons including her losing feelings and not wanting to put effort into us anymore. Currently going through so many emotions and feel so lost.

She’s moving out to live with her parents. She has her family here. I unfortunately don’t have friends or family in this state and i work from home. I am truly alone. The lease isn’t up for another 13 months. They are letting me downsize to a smaller unit which helps a little at least. I’m electing to stay here and not break the lease because I love the state and I want to prove to myself that I can make it on my own i guess. My question to you guys is has anyone else ever been through something similar? How did you make friends? Did you end up moving back home? Or were you successful in making it work all by yourself in a new state? How did it work out for you in the long run? I continuously keep going back and fourth in my head questioning if i’m making the right decision and wondering if i even have it in me to do this. I’m pretty scared.

TLDR: Broke up with girlfriend and am by myself 2,000 miles from home. Any success stories/ advise in a similar situation?

  1. Chance for success is near zero. Relationship sounds stagnated, she already claimed loss of feelings and no desire to put in any effort. The 2000 mile distance is the clincher – this relationship is finished.

    You’re doing the right thing — make a clean break, grieve your loss, then move on.

  2. Kinda depends on your personality…if you’re an introvert, it’s prolly gonna suck. But if you’re an extrovert, I think it would be great to be in a completely new, far away place where no one knows you or anything about you.

  3. This is an opportunity that doesn’t feel like it yet. Clean break, bills sorted and a decent job. You have loads of time to make friends and dating apps make finding someone new very easy.

    Enjoy 🙂

  4. I just went through to this where I thought my ex made this post secretly lol. I’m the girl in this situation. Moved 1000 miles from New England to Florida with my family. He had some issues with his parents (not anymore, he just needed to get away from them) and he moved to Savannah, a city we both liked when we drove down to Florida and stopped to visit.

    Once he moved there and I visited him, I wanted to move there too and so we lived together for 1 year. The lease was up on Halloween 2022 and that’s when we decided to call it quits since our relationship just wasn’t working out. I won’t go into detail about it. But I moved back to Florida to my parents town. He’s still in Savannah. We’re friendly, but we both know we need to move on and find new people. It honestly sucks because he’s my best friend and it’s just hard and scary to meet someone new.

    Neither of us have friends too since were not from this area or the United States originally. Basically we both just work our jobs and talk to coworkers, etc. I have my family here but I don’t live with them and he lives alone. I’ve asked him what he does. He says he calls his parents, talks to coworkers, just focuses on himself, maybe goes to the gym. He’s in a city so it’s a *bit* different than me whose in a boring suburb.

    We are both in the same boat as you where you don’t have much to do and it sucks. You said you work at home? Maybe get a part time job (any job, it doesn’t matter) and that will help you talk to new people and make some friends. Try a new sport that involves people. Go to the gym or even dating apps which have options to meet new friends. I know this might not help, but there ARE people who are in the same situation as you right now. It’s challenging to be somewhere new and feel alone. I feel alone constantly, and I hate it.

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