Anonymous account btw

So basically my wife(19F) and I(20M) were chilling watching a movie when she started grabbing my flaccid dick and balls which is fine for me but out of nowhere she asked me why it was so small lol(it’s flaccid so obviously…) She has said my dick is small even when it’s hard and she knows that kinda hurt so I feel like she did this just to mess with me when I was having a good day.
My package is 6in L and 5 in girth, I understand it may not be what she has seen in porn but I mean hey it’s enough to get the job done.

She says she was a virgin before she met me and I believe her.

Also she does not cum from PIV so maybe that influences her??(yes I am more generous in bed, I give her multiple orgasms thru clit stimulation per session and am always willing to read books and learn her body but she is the complete opposite not really willing to engage much and lacks enthusiasm which is fine I try not to put pressure on her but maybe there is something I’m not seeing?)

I love her so much and I do so many things for us, i cook for us, I clean for us, I wash our clothes we always help each other out with chores but for the most part I am in charge of them and I’m always willing to talk about her feelings meanwhile when we talk about my issues with her she always shuts off and deflects. I love doing those things for her and I do them from the bottom of my heart but sometimes I wonder if I do too much and if she is too comfortable…
Anywho i don’t know what to think or how to feel so I’ll just leave this here..

Edit: I guess I should mention she has a pain fetish, only problem is she likes to give slaps and not receive it lol, she likes to do this even out of the bed which I have expressed my disapproval many times because she will throw them completely out of the blue. I have noticed she behaves this way with her siblings and have told her that I am not her brother to be behaving this way with me.

I entertain such foolishness only out of love and because I’d say I actually care about my woman and have always been taught to never belittle women, I am not the husband that has to be taken care of like a child by his wife i take care of my business. So therefore I encourage her to be herself however this is not correct because I don’t lay so much as a finger on her and completely disapprove of this kink

I have been more than patient with her but it is wearing thin because I know my worth and have knowingly set the bar lower for her only to be disappointed time and time again….

  1. Dude 6 inch is a large penis. Average is 5 1/4 . She’s being rude to you, you should seek counseling.

  2. The way you put it it does seem like there’s quite an imbalance here…

    About the specific comment, I feel she’s failing to realize that everyone is different and she might not come by penetration. There are women who come more by clit stimulation and those who come more by penetration.

    So yeah, this is probably both ignorance and entitlement on her part.

    The fact that you can’t act the same way as she does is also a red flag. It’s your choice to try and do something about it or to leave directly, but keep in mind this doesn’t look healthy and something has to be done about it, starting from you feeling limited because of the expected reactions. Lett her react, let her overreact, create precedents so that the imbalance is evident.

  3. Rude!

    Get her back, don’t tolerate that BS. Say something about her the next time she tries it.

  4. I’m a grower, almost nothing to a little over 6. I’ve found most woman are actually fascinated and very complimentary.

    How did you get in the situation where you were doing the lions share of the household task? What does she do for the household? Is she at least bringing in most of the income?

    Honestly this sounds super one sided.

  5. To be blunt, I think you love her a lot more than she loves you. You are giving her a comfortable life, but as comfy as she is, she’s letting her mind wonder.

    I think it comes down to either a kink or resentment.

  6. There’s a lot going on here that is not good. Her lack of interest in expiration. Her negging you. You being her servant. Might want to reevaluate what you get out of this relationship.

    Love is not enough if that’s the only reason you are with someone

  7. Your wife has criticized the size of your penis, both when you are hard and when you are not. Objectively, your penis is larger than average, so she is not accurate from that perspective. Moreover, most people believe it is not healthy to criticize the size of a guys penis, the size of a lady’s breasts, etc. But she is nonetheless voicing criticism. I would simply prepare yourself for the next time she decides to criticize you so that you can ask her directly what she would like you to do about it? Or what she would like to do about it? I would tell her you want to be a good husband, but don’t know what she wants. There are too many possible explanations to speculate. Just put the issue squarely on her. She needs to explain herself. However this works out, you will be much better off learning what she is thinking than continuing without such knowledge. Wishing you the best with what is obviously a difficult situation.

  8. Lots of little red flags there partner. Looks to me like a toxic relationship. Statistically your soldier is above average – How you use it is what matters anyway.

  9. Put it in her butt and ask her how big it feels now.. JK man you’re a bit more than average. Talk to her about it. Some girls are just size queens.

  10. From your description she sounds rather sadistic. Between the slapping and making cruel remarks rather suddenly and without merit she seems to enjoy inflicting pain.

  11. She likes to slap you and is seemingly moving on to some humiliation. Sounds to me like she may be a fit of a natural domme and is realizing it slowly.

    She may be getting herself off by “degrading” you.

  12. Homey you’re being abused. You’re doing all the physical, emotional, and sexual labor and on top of that she’s hitting you and insulting you. This isn’t love, you have Stockholm Syndrome.

  13. Jesus Christ. Y’all are young as hell. Already married at 19 and 20? This level of marriage stress isn’t something 19 and 20 year olds should be dealing with.

  14. You said she has a kink for being a sadist? Has she told you she gets a sexual thrill from slapping you?

    It seems likely that she either has a kink for psychological humiliation as well or else she is wanting you to feel insecure (whether consciously or unconsciously).

    You need to understand that what you’re doing isn’t working. Google “how to set boundaries in a relationship”. The key is to punish bad behavior/boundary violations with real consequences, such as telling her “I won’t tolerate this” and then leaving and withdrawing from her presence/ignoring her for the day if she violates your boundaries.

  15. This sounds like an abusive relationship. You may not recognize the signs as there isn’t much talk of female to male abuse. I’d recommend talking to a mental health professional alone

  16. Married at 19 & 20? You can’t even legally drink alcohol in America. You’re kids. I’m not even ready to get married and I’m 33 and I’m in a really healthy relationship and we’ve got our shit together

  17. WIFE?!? Tf! Y’all are babies!! At best you should be dating not married!

    Ugh this whole situation grosses me out. She doesn’t even know what she’s talking about and yet she’s insulting you. Have you told her how that is mean and how it makes you feel? Phrase it in a way where if you told her she had tiny tits or a flat ass how it would make HER feel as that’s not something she can truly control.

    On the edit 
 she’s assaulting you without consent? THE RED FLAGS COULD NOT BE BIGGER. You may love this girl but she does not love or respect you. You really need professional help with this relationship or to get out now!

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