I hurt my friend and she blocked me, but she didn’t block me anywhere else. It’s been 2 – 3 weeks already and she told me she needed space. I never did apologize for hurting her, and I don’t know when to apologize because I feel like the wounds are still fresh 🙁

  1. When someone says that they need space, it’s usually best to show that you respect them and are actually listening and give them space. Once they are ready to talk again is when I would apologise.

  2. Well, after reading your other post about this, I honestly think you need to stay away from her. This really doesn’t seem like a healthy relationship.

    If you want to leave an apology with her, then you don’t need to wait for a specific time period to pass. But that’s only if it’s a true apology, as you part ways. If you’re fixated on “when has it been long enough, so I can apologize, *so I can fix this patch in the relationship and move on to business as usual with her*… I mean, you talked about feeling some resentment towards her because she was ‘too nice and didn’t criticize you directly.’ You’re starting to place blame on her, for your own behaviour. That to me says you need to do some soul searching and learn how to control your emotions, before you go talking to this girl. I don’t think you’re over your feelings for her.

  3. it’s possible she’ll block you on the platform and then the one after that. then, finally you’ll make another account to apologize again. she will not respond. just move on, people are delicate.

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