For some context, me (19M) and my friends are all in college. I never dated/flirted with anyone before. My friends know that I’m single so they found someone for me in their circle of friends. Like I said, I never flirted with anyone before and don’t really know what to do or how to react with this kind of social setting. Like it’s not very natural for me to meet a new person knowing that we were introduced in a romantical way. I had the opportunity to briefly meet her( we weren’t alone, there were my friends and hers) and she was quite friendly. She for exemple said to me “so you are my Valentine?“ ( it was the first time she saw me after my friends told her about me) “what are we doing on Valentine’s day?”. Maybe I’m just over analyzing or misunderstanding. The thing is I think I still want to know more about her even in a friendly way but I’m still bothered by the fact that we were introduced like in a romantical way and not just as friends of friend. Like I want to see her again and talk with her but not just the two of us. I want there to be my friends and hers like a normal social setting. My friends think I should add her on Instagram but even if I add her idk what to say and not being weird

Ps sorry if it’s not very clear
PPS idk if it’s the right subreddit. If not what would be the right one?

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