First of all, i want to apoligize for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first languge.

So, I met my bf online and we hit it off quickly. We began to call each other every night and he was the nicest and most caring person i’ve been with. Although he is superficial and likewise quick to judge – i accepted those quirks, and tried to help maybe overcome them. He always made sure that i was fine and vice versa. After almost 4 months of talking we made it official and i thought that our relationship runs smoothly. We communicate well, sit through every concern one might have and look for solutions that work for the both of us.

Because our relationship is somewhat longdistance, we see each other maybe once a month and our meetings are planned ahead because of our busy scheduels. Now to where it went kinda downhill…

I was planned to stay at his place for a week and on the third day he began to kind of ignore me. The day before we were at a mall where an old colleague of his approached us and started talking to him, after a few minutes they stopped and we went our own paths. He started to rant about how much he despised her and that he is happy not to have to see her anymore. Mid rant he said that he hates poor people and that they are not worthy of his time, i was taken aback by this level of superficial behavoir and told him calmly that he would have to hate me as well because my family is far from rich or wealthy. His response was that its fine because i can follow him intellectually unlike the “general poor population”.

From that on he would sit behind his computer set up, by the time he woke up until he went to sleep. At first i thought he was working, but he played some ego-shooter game the whole time. See, i go to sleep quite early and wake up in the morning because i’m used to it for work – he on the other side goes to sleep around 3-4 am and wakes up in the late afternoon. It was not like that the last time i went to his house.
The only time he was talking to me or did something with me was when we had intimate time or when he ranted about some “st\*pid opponents”. I started to kind of overthink that maybe i did something wrong or i was just too boring for him because im not too talkative but when i tried talking about the issue he was oblivious to his screentime, ignoring etc. “I was not playing the whole day, it was for only two hours max.” or “I think i’m starting to become addicted – sorry honey.” were his go to phrases everyday. I didn’t know this side before. Now looking back i was just sitting on his bed watching videos while he was playing computer games ,before i went home earlyer then anticipated.

But even after me leaving, he did not made any first move. Normally he would text throughout the day or replay fairly quick when i texted but none. No “good morning” no “good night” no “i love you” or “how are you” – only after i send him any of those messages and i have to wait at least a few hours for a reply. He said i could call him whenever i wanted to (he always wanted me to call out of the blue) but when i did he didnt pick up. No more heart emojis or snapchat pictures of himself.

I am afraid that he fell out of love or i don’t know, i made a mistake but when i asked through text message he said that i was st\*pid for assuming such “bs” and that he is simply addicted to gaming at the moment and that it will pass. My last words were that i wished he would text a bit more, just so i know he thinks of me but nothing happend to far. Today he sent me a snap in which he was somewhere where he didnt tell me he’d go.

At this point i cannot stop overthinking and searching for the fault to be mine. I am not even sure if i should bring up this topic anymore because i know what he will say and that probably nothing will change, it ihas been the same for almost two weeks now. *What should i do?* Is there any other way to approach this? I do not want to break up or leave our relationship with this problem unsolved, i truly love him and want this to work out.

**TL;DR:** My boyfriend started to ignore me, when i was at his place for shooter games and after communicating my feelings nothing has changed – i have been back home for some time now. It feels like he fell out of love or does not care about my feelings. I am currently overthinking everything, i do ot want to break up.

  1. Talk to him and communicate and get his feelings and express your needs. If isn’t able to meet your needs, move on.

  2. Your boyfriend sounds like a very unpleasant person, I’m very sorry to hear he’s nicest and most caring person you’ve been with.

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