Hey there,

So I’m not exactly totally starting from zero here; I do have friends in my school and a semi decent social life, I work a customer service job just fine and I’ve had my fair bit of attention from girls (although I’m ace so its kinda for nothing lol). But sometimes I can still be so damn awkward and eats away at me..

I had a pretty toxic childhood and my circumstances at the time meant I missed out any peer interaction from 16 to 19 and was a lil behind even before that so my self esteem aint the best and I’m aware i’m playing catchup, plus I didn’t grow up fully in my country and still have issues expressing myself in the language at times. Its just like sometimes I can be super fun and charismatic while other times i’m a total wreck who’s way too hyper aware and can hardly string a sentence together, I try not define myself by it but it kinda cuts deep when people occasionally point it out…

Whats the way forward from here? Is it just a case of time and persistence? I got into therapy recently and its certainly helping a little but its a big insecurity of mine and I guess I’m a bit impatient..

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