Carrying on from my previous post: My (26f) boyfriend (25m) of 7 years told me he would start coming to more family events and dance with me. He told me that if I still had feelings for him, that he would like to work on our relationship. I was hesitant at first because I didn’t believe him. He’s made false promises and is extremely stubborn when it comes to parties and dancing and meeting my friends.

But he asked me to give him a chance and seemed serious. Of course, I agreed to it. I can’t leave without giving it a shot. I love him and want things to work.

Things have been going well so far. But I can’t shake the guilt away. It’s sad knowing that I hurt him and that he will always carry with him the fact that I considered leaving him for another guy. I feel so ashamed and like a cheater. I know it’s my guilt to carry but I don’t know how to be happy with him and laugh without thinking about how much I hurt him. He doesn’t want to talk about it and wants us to just move on and carry on like nothing happened. I just can’t help but feel like a total wh0r3 and undeserving.

This might not be the sub to post this on but, how do you live with yourself knowing you betrayed the person you love most?


I stayed with my boyfriend but feel so much guilt for almost leaving him for another guy

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