Me being a guy, it’s tough to ask people questions, especially women because of how “creepy” it can be.

I’m sitting on the train right now and further down is this woman. looks to be my age and we constantly keep making eye contact here and there. Everything in my heart is telling me to go up to her but i also don’t want to come off as weird or creepy.
I know she will leave soon and i’ll never see her again.

The anxiety sets in when we make eye contact but i can’t pull myself to say anything or make a gesture.

i guess i’m asking if it’s a good idea to just leave it and move on or do something. But if so, what do i do

  1. Go for it, but keep it casual. Get up to take a stroll, or go for a Coke, or whatever, and when you get close to her seat, say hi. If she responds, pause and chat. If not, keep walking.

  2. I struggle with this…even at places where you shouldn’t such as bars. But tbh, you’re not “creepy” unless you’re ugly and that’s why I don’t approach lol. But like you said, odds are you’ll never see her again, and as long as you aren’t pushy or obnoxious, all you’re doing is talking to another person. It’s better to find out then just keep regretting not taking the shot.

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