Hey, first time posting here, and apologies for how basic of a question this. Somehow, I went on my first date in literally a year and it went well! My question is, how should I keep the conversation going so it doesn’t fizzle out?

We saw each other Saturday and texted yesterday after the Super Bowl, but today I don’t know what to do. I wasn’t the last person to text, but the conversation seemed to reach a natural “end” and now I don’t know how to start a new one?? Today, I really want to ask them out for Valentine’s Day, but I worry about coming across as forcing something.

  1. Good Morning/Afternoon is usually a good starter to a conversation.

    Asking them how their day is going is also a good follow-up.

    Sorry, that was a bit sassy but you are overthinking it. Just start the conversation and then work your way to asking about a date. I would caution though having a Valentines’ date as a second date may seem like a lot of pressure. Some may love it some may hate it.

  2. If you had a good conversation follow up on something they said in the last date. Ask them questions that aren’t answered with “yes” or “no”. If nothing sticks out then tell them a story. Did you have any dreams last night? If so you could start something like I wanted to tell you about this dream I had last night. But, again that is an opportunity for you to get them talking ask them if they had any or if they have reccuring dreams etc. Of course that is just an example.

    Not telling you what to do here, but I’d ax the idea of asking about a date on Valentine’s Day as a second date. Way too many people out celebrating and that’s really more of a day for committed relationships. Also, giving her under 24 hours isn’t ideal either. Provide her with enough time to prepare for the date. I think you’ll have much better luck asking her to go out this weeked or later in the week if you want to ask her out.

  3. What’s something that happened to you today? It can be anything that bridges common topics. For example, one story I told was about how I went grocery shopping to make lunches for the week, and the bell peppers were horrible and it was a let down. But I told it in a peppy way, like “wow I can’t believe this crazy thing happened to me”. The story doesn’t matter as much as the way you tell it to open with something relatable that lets the other person contribute.

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