(16M) I am a super shy Junior, with social anxiety and psychiatric care for family problems and depression.

The thing is that I don’t have any friends, neither in high school nor out of it. Since the beginning of the course with the therapy that I am doing, I have been trying to talk to people and relate, but everything has been in vain, I am not able to maintain lasting or continuous conversations over time. And my classmates have never bothered to talk to me either, I suppose because they see me as a strange child.

The fact is that there is a girl (W17) in my class who these last weeks has suddenly started talking to me. She is a girl that I tried to talk to at the beginning of the course because I immediately saw that she stood out, she was nice, kind, a good person, studious… you really saw that she was different, but in the end, as with everyone, I was unable to create a bond.

The thing is that, as I said, for a few days she has begun to greet me in the corridors, he has even written me a message. In person we do nothing more than greet each other, we don’t have any conversation. And in text most of the time he starts writing to me and we talk about things related to the institute. What surprises me is that the way he writes to me is overly friendly, far from what you can imagine from a teenager. Takes care of all her words, send affectionate emojis, always writes me very politely…

The thing is that today I found out that the psychologist at my institute, who knows my situation, has a good relationship with her, who is the delegate of the class. So I figured hw told her about all the problems I’m having. And here comes the question, do you think that he is just trying to be nice to me out of pity because the psychologist told him, or not, but that he is simply talking to me out of pity for my situation, or do you think that he really wants to talk to me and maintain a relationship?

I don’t even dare to talk about a love, because I’m not even able to make friends, but I really think she’s an attractive girl, with a great personality and a great way of being, and I really think she’s a great person to be friends with and who knows if something else, but after what I discovered today, I don’t know if all this interest is a lie, that’s why I ask you for advice.

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