Let me start of by saying I appreciate the friends I have in my life right now, but I just have no desire to make new friends. I feel like I have enough. I’ll admit as a teenager and a early 20s adult I wanted to have a lot of friends really badly, I wanted a friendship group quite a lot I did go through quite a lot of betrayals and growing apart like I think we all did. But I got to a point in 2019 where I just stopped desiring that and I managed to make way more friends and even friendship groups and regularly going to social events after I no longer desired it that badly, kind of ironic right?

Well anyway the friends I made in that time continued to disappoint me over and over again that I just have even less of a desire to even talk to new people? lol. I just now see it as kind of a pointless endeavour I am not gonna benefit from trying to socialise with people who are increasingly addicted to their devices and other thing & staying at home and avoiding any type of public socialisation that doesn’t involve some kind of intoxication.

I recognise part of this is just being jaded from disappointing people and maybe wanting to avoid that but another part of me just thinks people as a whole aren’t as interesting to talk to? It just seems so boring to me as a whole and like I’ve already met most of the interesting people I’ll ever meet.

I guess I’m just posting this here because I wanted to ask in the title, is this a common feeling?

  1. I think it’s pretty common. I’m about there myself. Not necessarily because of letdowns or betrayals. I’ve talked about everything to talk about it seems ad nauseam, I don’t really want to the next person about horses, life, aliens, black holes, Seinfeld, grass, the weather, for the 100th time. Judging by the trouble so many other people have in finding new friends, I have to assume it is quite common indeed. Typing it out like that makes me feel like an asshole I guess, but I just wanna fucking chill and read my books on what little time I have off. I have to work my dick off just to not live in a ditch, I don’t know anyone else with enough time for cultivating a lush garden of friends anymore

  2. It’s not uncommon to reach a point in life where you feel content with the friends you have and have no desire to make new ones. Many people prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to friendships, and that’s okay. It’s also understandable to feel jaded from past disappointments with friends, and that might make it harder to want to meet new people. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is different and has something unique to offer. It might be worth giving people another chance and keeping an open mind about making new connections.

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