There is a this kid in my class who constantly annoy me and takes my stuff it’s started okay like he would do it one time and then leave me alone but recently he has started to do it a lot today he took my pencil and did not give it back until later which by then I could not take notes and he also stole my school id last week and give it to someone I’ve told him to stop many times but it just did not work But I’m not sure because he isn’t like mean to me or said anything but he’s just so annoying there is more to it as well.

  1. Yes you definitely are getting bullied and you should tell a teacher or go to the principal. Also it wouldn’t hurt to talk to your parents about this issue.

  2. It’s not funny I’d both people aren’t laughing. Please tell some adults at school. You might help another person he’s bullying, too.

  3. Open palm slap in the face should do it. Tell him to F off and walk away. Don’t engage further.

    Fighting has repercussions, I’d avoid it. I knocked out a bully’s tooth because I was done taking his shit. But then he sued me and I had to pay him $5k for dental work.

  4. I’d say use an aggressive tone with him to tell him to stop. At this point one of two things are going to happen: 1. He will apologize and then be quiet or wonder out loud why you are being that way, or 2. He’s going to try and get loud with you or aggressive back, at which point you need to punch him in his fucking face as hard as you can while he still doesn’t expect it. Make sure to immediately calm down as though nothing has happened. This will give off the impression that you are a very chill dude but are not afraid to defend yourself and get aggressive. Good luck mate

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