I’m a 22M just feeling lost. Long story short I just feel like my friends all talk to me so disrespectfully. Granted it’s a pretty shit talk-like friend group and I rarely ever let it get to me at all but recently I have been in a mix of wanting live a more positive supportive life and for some reason that change in personality just leaves my friends to straight bully me. It kills me inside and makes me feel almost the worst I’ve ever felt. The problem is when I ask them to chill out and maybe let back a little bit it only got vastly worse. I can’t tell if maybe I’m wrong and I’m the issue or if I need new friends. Pls ask me questions as I know this isn’t in depth as can be. Thank you

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you don’t have very great friends. Your friends should be there to support you and encourage you and it sounds like your friend group is the type to “jokingly bully” each other (please let me know if I’m wrong in picking that up from your story). Maybe try distancing yourself from those friends for awhile and seek out more positive people.

    It could have to do with maturity/insecurity that they would bully you for wanting to change. Usually when people see that you’re bettering a part of yourself that they may lack- they get defensive and put you down “back in your place.” They may want to bring you back down to their level because it makes them feel better about themself. It sounds like you’re maturing past that stage of your life and your friends are trying to keep you with them. If you feel it’s time to move on to a more positive environment, by all means you should do that for yourself 🙂

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